Government Grants
Housing Adaptation Grant

Housing Adaptation Grant
Contact your local authority to apply for the grant.
A person with a disability who requires adaptation works to render a house more suitable for their accommodation needs or a home-owner on behalf of a person with a disability who is a member of the household.
Yes. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of all household income, ie the annual gross income of the registered property owner (if the owner lives in the property) together with all household members over 18 (or over 23 if in full-time education) in the previous tax year. The effective maximum grant of 30,000 euro to cover up to 95% of the cost of works, may be available to applicants with gross household incomes of up to 30,000 euro per annum, tapering to 30% for applicants with gross household incomes of between 50,001 to 60,000 euro per annum. The same means test will apply in every local authority area and is in line with the criteria for assessment of need for social housing.
The types of works allowable under the scheme can be varied and may include:
- the provision of access ramps
- stair-lifts
- downstairs toilet facilities
- accessible showers
- adaptations to facilitate wheelchair access
- extensions and
- any other works which are reasonably necessary for the purposes of rendering a house more suitable for the accommodation of a person with a disability.
Mobility Aids Grant

Mobility Aids Grant Scheme
The Mobility Aids Grant scheme provides grant aid to cover a basic suite of works to address mobility problems, primarily, but not exclusively, associated with ageing. The Scheme is administered by local authorities.
The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme provides grants for works designed to address mobility problems in the home, such as the purchase and installation of grab-rails, a level access shower, access ramps or a stair-lift. The scheme is primarily for older people, but people with a disability can also apply for it
The effective maximum grant under the Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme is 6,000 euro, which may cover 100% of the cost of works.
Contact your local authority to apply for the grant.
A person who requires basic adaptation works in order to address their mobility needs.
Yes. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of all household income. The maximum grant of 6,000 euro may be available to applicants with gross household incomes of up to 30,000 euro per annum. The same means test will apply in every local authority area and is in line with the criteria for assessment of need for social housing.
The types of works allowable under the scheme can be varied and may include:-
- the provision of grab-rails
- access ramps
- level access showers and stair-lifts
- and any other minor works that may be necessary to facilitate the mobility needs of the applicant.
Contact your local authority to apply for the grant.
Housing Aid for Older People Grant

Housing Aid for Older People Scheme
The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme is used to improve the condition of an older person’s home. In general, it is aimed at people 66 years of age and older, who are living in poor housing conditions.
However, in cases of genuine hardship the local authority may assist people under age 66.
Contact your local authority to apply for the grant.
A person who is 66 years of age and older, who is living in poor housing conditions.
However, in cases of genuine hardship the local authority may assist people under age 66
Yes. Your total household income is assessed to find out if you qualify for the grant and at what level of assistance.
Household income is:
The property owner’s (or tenant’s) and their spouse’s or partner’s annual gross income in the previous tax year
Income of any other adults living in the household – aged over 23 years (or over 18 and not in full-time education)
The following is not taken into account when calculating your household income:
€5,000 for each member of the household aged up to 18 years
€5,000 for each member of the household aged between 18 and 23 years and in full-time education or on a SOLAS apprenticeship
€5,000 where the person to whom the grant application relates is being cared for by a relative on a full-time basis
Child Benefit
Family Income Supplement
Domiciliary Care Allowance
Respite Care Grant
Carer’s Benefit and Carer’s Allowance (if the carer’s payment is made in respect of the person to whom the grant application relates)
The type of work that is grant aided can include some or all of the following:
- Structural repairs or improvements
- Dry-lining
- Repair or replacement of windows and doors
- The provision of water, sanitary services and heating
- Cleaning and painting
- Radon remediation
- Re-wiring
- Central Heating
- Any other repair or improvement work considered necessary.
Contact your local authority to apply for the grant.
More Information?
Email us with any questions or inquires or call to us. We would be happy to answer your questions and set up a meeting with you.
- Brookville House, Brookville Park, Malahide Road, Artane, Dublin 5